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What is Biological Dentistry?

May 1, 2014

According to the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine, "biological dentistry is concerned with the whole body effects of all dental materials, techniques and procedures." It insists that all clinical practice be designed of components that sustain life or improve the patient’s quality of life.

How does biological dentistry differ from general dentistry?

Like holistic dentistry that has long established the relationship between the mouth and the rest of the body and the effects of oral health towards overall health, biological dentistry is based on the unity of the best clinical practices and technologies of Western dental medicine with a wide array of practices.

When you talk about biological dentistry, the words "holistic" and "biomimetic" also come to mind. Sharing similarities but essentially different, biological dentistry is concerned with effect of dental practices towards the whole body – not only on the patient but also the practitioner (dentist or dental staff).

The difference is that biomimetic dentistry concerns itself with the natural reconstruction of teeth using natural composites, while Holistic dentistry studies the effects of dental health towards overall health. You can say biological dentistry and holistic dentistry are similar but the latter is more encompassing.

How do you know who is a biological dentist?

Biological dentists can be any type of dentist. They may be general dentists, periodontists, orthodontists, oral surgeons or pedodontists. They also have extensive training in dental toxicology and specific modes of healing, including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, herbology, homeopathy, iridology and energy medicine.

Biological dentists also share a belief in the Hippocratic oath that dictates: “First, do no harm. “

Otherwise called holistic dentists, they more likely treat causes of symptoms rather than symptoms toward the goal of restoring and sustaining health.

What are the trademark beliefs of biological dentistry?

Biological dentistry is conservative. The aim is to be minimally invasive yet appropriately active.

  1. Recognizing the close connection between dental health and such areas as nutrition, body structure such as problems in the dental arch and the temporo-mandibular joint structure, the cranio-sacral fluid system of the body, the immune system and the central nervous system.
  2. Care with regard to the materials used in dental fillings.  Do not use mercury amalgam or nickel in any form.
  3. Recognizing that most root canal procedures cause infection that is very harmful.  I do not recommend root canals ever.
  4. Recognizing the problem of cavitations, which are pockets of infection left over from old dental procedures.
  5. Recognizing that gum disease or periodontitis can be handled with natural methods, particularly nutritional balancing, and should not require surgery. (source)

We Practice Holistic Dentistry

Our belief in holistic dentistry goes beyond practicing mercury-free fillings, ozone therapy and fluoride-free dental cleanings. Dr. Reese is an active member of the AOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology) – an association of dentists who believe in showing scientific proof in the safety or hazard of dental practices. Our Indianapolis Dentistry clinic takes pride in its spa-like amenities allowing our patients to have a comfortable, anxiety-free visit.

Experience how we take care of our patients - Call 317-882-0228 to schedule your appointment today!