There are various stages of gum disease from gingivitis to advanced periodontitis and there are various levels of treatment accordingly. Gum treatment consists of one or more of the following dental procedures:
Scaling and Root Planing combined with a strict home care routine and more frequent periodontal cleanings and exams will increase the chances of keeping a natural smile.
This was the absolute best experience I’ve EVER had in my life when it comes to dental treatment.
Advanced gum disease sometimes requires surgery to lengthen crowns, reduce pocket depth, graft soft tissue, regenerate bone and tissue, or augment ridges. Recent advances in dental treatments allow medications to be placed directly on the infected areas. One of the most commonly used medications of this kind is Arestin™, which is often used in conjunction with scaling and root planing. In addition, an antimicrobial rinse can be used after the procedures.
Some people have teeth that look too “short”, but this is an optical illusion. A procedure called “gum contouring” can be used to remove excess gum tissue and expose more of the crown of the tooth, which can improve the cosmetic appeal of the smile. Your gum line can be carefully sculpted to create just the right proportion between gum tissue and tooth surface, the result is a better looking smile. Gum contouring can also smooth and balance the way your tooth and gums look. Dr. Quint's procedure produces a consistent, even gum line that is aesthetically pleasing.