If you’ve been told that you’re a candidate for dentures it may seem like a last resort, but it can be a new beginning! Despite what you may have experienced, dentures can be deceptively natural and there are many options.
Never go without your smile!
Immediate dentures are custom-made prior to removing your teeth and delivered the same day your teeth are removed.
Still have good teeth? Combination dentures are useful when it’s beneficial to keep and restore some teeth.
Fixed bridges use a series of anchors to secure dentures without the need for unsightly and bothersome metal ‘clasps’.
No more dentures that slip and slide! Get secured dentures with “All-on-4” implants that utilize implants to secure the denture.
Why Choose Implant Dentures?
Implant dentures like All-on-4, locator bar, and mini-implants have been a blessing for those who have struggled with conventional dentures.
Dentures are secured in place, which has a dramatic improvement on chewing, your laugh, and your smile. Call Indianapolis Dentistry today!
Why Choose Indianapolis Dentistry?
Unlike ‘denture specialists’, we will personally create the smile and fit that is crucial to ensure a successful for outcome for the you, the patient.
Indianapolis Dentistry, is located just north of Greenwood, Indiana in Indianapolis, five minutes south of I-465 on US 31 between I-65 and Highway 37.