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Coconut Oil Pulling for Better Dental Health

June 30, 2014

Everything You Need to Know About Oil Pulling, the Holistic Dental Care Method

Much has been said about oil pulling. Some say it's just a trend despite many dentists like Dr. Reese recommending it for dental care and it being used as an ancient Ayurvedic remedy for thousands of years. We will answer some of the commonly asked questions about oil pulling in this post.

Q. Which oil is best for oil pulling? A. Sesame seed oil could be used, but it's acidic, which may damage your enamel. Coconut oil is alkaline, which is why it is the best oil for oil pulling.

Q. Which coconut oil is the best? A. We recommend Skinny Coconut Oil because it is 100% raw, virgin coconut oil created using low-heat fresh from the jungles of Vietnam.

Q. Is oil pulling safe for amalgams? A. Yes, but we recommend safely removing amalgams.

Q. How long should I oil pull for? A. It is recommended you oil pull for 20 minutes. (Pro tip: do it while you're doing something else such as taking a shower.)

Q. When should I notice its effects? A. There are those who notice an immediate effect like a lighter feeling about having cleaner teeth while there are those who noticed their teeth were whiter or had less stains after three months. You may also notice your gums getting 'tighter' as they become less inflamed.

Coconut Oil Pulling is Recommended by Dr. Reese

Dr. Reese, being an Indianapolis holistic dentist, believes in the beneficial health effects coconut oil pulling can do not only to your teeth but to your overall health as well. Dr. Ted Reese, DDS, MAGD is an Indianapolis holistic dentist practicing integrated dentistry. At Indianapolis Dentistry we are proud to be offering a state-of-the-art dental office combined with the knowledge and concerns for your entire body health. This is known as Biological, Holistic, Whole Body, or Biocompatible Dentistry. Our focus is not only the health of your teeth and gums, but of your entire body that may be affected by improper restorations, poor occlusion, or periodontal infection.