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FDA and Amalgam Usage

December 21, 2020

Despite that extent that the FDA has been in the headlines this past year with COVID-19 matters, there has been one very significant event and declaration that has received very little fanfare.

On Sept. 24, 2020, the FDA released a ‘Safety Communication’ related to dental amalgam usage.  By their own admission, this announcement has been 10 years in the making ( or studying, deliberating, and concluding…however you want to assess their sluggish activity on this matter) before making this announcement.

The announcement is a soft and kind wording explaining that ‘some’ people may be at an increased risk of adverse health consequences due to the toxic effects of mercury that is used in ‘silver fillings’.  These ‘silver fillings’ are actually compromised of silver and mercury, but generally have mercury as the largest single component.

The report goes on to identify ‘adverse’ outcomes as:

  • Mood disorders (for example, anxiety, depression, irritability)
  • Sleep difficulties or disturbances
  • Fatigue (feeling tired)
  • Memory troubles or disturbances
  • Tremors (shaking of extremities)
  • Difficulties with coordination
  • Visual changes
  • Changes in hearing
  • Kidney damage

The announcement also lists those ‘groups of people who may be at greater risk to the potential adverse health effects of mercury exposure’, to include:

  • Pregnant women and their developing fetuses;
  • Women who are planning to become pregnant;
  • Nursing women and their newborns and infants;
  • Children, especially those younger than six years of age;
  • People with pre-existing neurological disease;
  • People with impaired kidney function; and
  • People with known heightened sensitivity (allergy) to mercury or other components of dental amalgam.

I applaud the FDA for finally taking a stance, although it does seem to be more concerned about being politically correct and socially ‘un’alarming than scientifically and clinically revealing.

A question foremost in my mind and should be in yours is….

“If mercury amalgam isn’t safe for pregnant mothers, infants, nursing mothers, children (especially those under 6), those with existing neurological and kidney disease, why should we assume it’s OK for all others?  What’s the science or studies to support such a conclusion?”

I encourage all to read the entire text here: Recommendations About the Use of Dental Amalgam in Certain High-Risk Populations: FDA Safety Communication | FDA

An interesting and revealing source of information about mercury amalgams can be found here: Dental Mercury Facts (

For over 10 years, I have been practicing the safest known protocol for removing mercury amalgam fillings and replacing them with strong resin or porcelain restorations.

We follow the SMART protocol as developed by the IAOMT, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, and also supplement this with some neutraceuticals to help detoxify and eliminate this hazardous material from the mouth and body.  If desired, we also provide Intravenous supplementation with high dose of Vitamin C, B, and Glutathione for those suffering with toxicity, fatigue, or unexplained malaise.

Either myself, or Dr. Gambill, would be happy to see you and assess your needs and wants.

Yours for better health,

Ted Reese, DDS, MAGD, NMD