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Holistic Dentristy and the Whole Body Perspective

January 9, 2015

Joy shares her perspective on Holistic Dentistry. "Holistic Dentistry to me means ‘whole body dentistry’. Years ago, dentists used to feel like the mouth was a separate entity from the rest of the body and didn’t really affect what was going on in the rest of the body.

Recent studies have shown that what a lot of times starts in the mouth is really perpetrated through the whole body and affects the whole body from gum disease to chemicals you’re ingesting (the fluoride for instance you’re having after a cleaning, hygiene appointment).

As I did some research and studied, I realized how important having that whole-body sense of holistic dentistry was to myself and my family.” Joy is a holistic-minded mother of 5 who is currently studying to become a Naturopathic Medical Doctor. She is also married to Dr. Reese.

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