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Indianapolis Dentistry: 317-882-0228
7218 US 31 S Indianapolis, IN 46227
We are not a registered medicaid provider

Indianapolis Dentistry Vs. Chain Dental Practices

September 17, 2012

Wondering about how Indianapolis Dentistry stacks up against the competition? Here's a quick comparison of our family-owned and operated dental practice against other "chain" dental practices:



Open Monday: 8am - 5pm; Tuesday: 7am - 5pm; Wednesday: 8am - 5pm; Thursday: 12pm - 7pm; Friday: 9am - 5pm Open 7 days a week from 9 - 9pm
Emergencies Accepted! No Appointment Necessary
We file ALL Insurances and Care Credit is Available! File “most” forms of insurance
1 hour Visit w/ Appointment; Usually NO second visit necessary Potential for Extensive Wait TimesLikely Necessitates Specialist Attention and an Appointment Elsewhere
IV Sedation Therapy Eases Stress and Allows You to Sleep Through Your Appointment with NO Downtime
Spa-Like Office Amenities; Serving Keurig Coffee

Not only does Indianapolis Dentistry offer Emergency Dental Treatment and an identical service list, but at Indianapolis Dentistry we also offer:

- Laser Dentistry

- Oral Surgery

- IV Sedation Dentistry

- Veneers

- TJM Care

- BruxGuards (made in-house)

- Invisilign and Braces

- Dental Implants for ALL Ages

- Relaxing Dental Spa Environment

- Free Keurig Coffee, TV, Internet, and Magazines/Newspaper So You Can Relax or Stay Up-to-Date  

Indianapolis Dentistry is unequivocally your ONE STOP dental office for everything from a pampered routine cleaning to more advanced surgical procedures.

Why spend the time visiting two or more dental offices when you can simply call Indianapolis Dentistry?

Indianapolis Dentistry’s prices are competitive with, if not lower than, impersonal, chain dental facilities, and by supporting ID you are supporting family run small businesses everywhere.

Come checkout a thriving dental practice owned and run by Dr. Ted Reese, Indiana’s most prominent and decorated dentists.

We look forward to meeting you!

(Serving Indianapolis, Greenwood, Franklin, Whiteland, Trafalgar, Mooresville, Martinsville, and Southport)