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Why Summer is the Best Time for Wisdom Teeth Removal

June 20, 2013

Is a Sports Moratorium Coming Up?

The Summer Moratorium is the Best Time to Get Wisdom Teeth Removed Sometimes summer can be just as busy as the school year for students involved in sports! What with all the practices and scrimmages, it's hard to find time to do anything else, let alone get to the dentists office. However, for a lot of schools, sports moratorium is coming up! This is the perfect time to get those wisdom teeth pulled on your older kids or yourself! Recovery typically takes a few days, 2-3. Painkillers are prescribed; this is usually what keeps patients down for the few days, as they will feel groggy and tired from the medication. The procedure itself takes roughly around 30 minutes. Below are a few tips to insure a quick and easy recovery to get your kids back on their feet and out on the field after wisdom teeth removal!

  • Relax!
  • Begin by eating soft foods. After awhile, you may begin to add solid foods to your diet.
  • Do not smoke for at least 24 hours after surgery.
  • Do not use straws for the first few days after removal.
  • Use salt water to gently rinse your mouth out a few times a day.
  • Avoiding rubbing or touching the area.
  • Do not lie flat. Prop your head up with pillows.

Appointments can be made by calling our office, at 317-882-0228.