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Indianapolis Dentistry: 317-882-0228
7218 US 31 S Indianapolis, IN 46227
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Sedation Dentistry (Part 1)

June 26, 2012
IV Sedation Dentistry

If you're looking for a sedation dentist in Greenwood, Indiana, we know just the office!  Dr. Reese offers IV or pill sedation dentistry, otherwise known as "sleep dentistry",  for patients who range from minimal to extreme phobics. The drugs administered during an IV sedation create either partial or full memory loss (i.e. amnesia) during the dental procedure and render you in a controlled, completely monitored, and safe sleep.   Sleep dentistry provides a much easier and comfortable experience for both patient and the doctor. If you're feeling you're best and most relaxed, we know we will be able to perform our best for you!