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How to Stop Bad Breath

February 14, 2014

Whether it’s a case of morning breath or a long struggle with halitosis, everyone has encountered having bad breath sometimes. Fortunately, there ways on how to stop bad breath but the key is identifying what causes it in the first place. It can be a simple case of lack of personal hygiene or something more serious like gum disease or other systemic infections in the lung or gastrointestinal tract. Other times, it just comes down to what you ate for dinner!  

Toxins released by bacteria cause bad breath. To stop bad breath, we have to kill the bacteria that cause gum disease.

How to Stop Bad Breath


Start by keeping your mouth clean. Remember your food supply is also the bacteria’s food supply. Your best defense is to brush your teeth properly at least twice a day and floss once a day. This will help remove the food trapped between your teeth, as well as the food trapped in the gum line. These areas are breeding grounds for bacteria. If these areas are not cleaned well, bad breath is bound to happen. Do not forget to clean your tongue too. The rough surface of the tongue is home to a combination of dead cells, food debris, bacteria and its byproducts -- factors that all contribute to foul-smelling breath. Be sure to brush your tongue with your toothbrush after you brush your teeth or use a tongue cleaner. To brush your tongue, go over the front half of it very lightly with the tips of your toothbrush's bristles, taking special care to not damage your sensitive taste buds. Rinsing with mouthwash can also help keep your tongue clean. Use a toothpaste that is recommended by your dentist. Dr. Reese loves HA Nano Gel and Dental Herb Company Tooth & Gums Paste.


The foods you eat can exert a lot of influence on the way your breath smells. So, if you're one of the 90 million people in America who have bad breath, it's time to examine what you usually eat. There are certain foods that are a problem even after you eat. Garlic and onions, for example, enter your bloodstream after you’re done eating, and they carry their scent to your lungs. This contributes to bad breath long after you’ve done eating. High-protein and low-carb diets, while are great for your waistline, aren't great for your breath. Eating fewer than 100 grams of carbohydrates a day triggers a condition known as ketosis, a metabolic state that causes your body to burn fat instead of sugar. Ketosis is notorious for causing bad breath too.


A dry mouth is an acidic mouth. And an acidic mouth means pH levels in your mouth are conducive to breeding bacteria. Saliva productions helps neutralize acidic pH levels in the mouth so make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. It is also a good idea to practice drinking water after you have eaten teeth-staining foods and liquids like coffee, tea or soda. It will also help wash away food debris after eating.


For some, employing a toothbrush, floss and mouthwash more frequently to remove plaque, the nearly invisible film of bacteria that contributes to bad breath, will do the trick. Other just need to give up bad habits like smoking or get rid of foods that are bad for their teeth. For others, a professional cleaning to remove hardened plaque (tartar) will be necessary. Others still will discover that cavities and gum disease are at the root of their problems. This is why it’s best to regularly visit your dentist.

Dental checkups can go a long way to help identify potential causes of bad breath. Your dentist can perform routine maintenance on your teeth and check for other possible causes of bad breath after eliminating any causative agents in the mouth and refer you to a specialist accordingly.

Dr. Reese can teach you about oral hygiene and recommend dental products you can use to help keep your breath fresh. He does gentle, fluoride-free cleanings and afterwards, Dr. Reese will make sure you are aware of your oral health position and what options you have. At Indianapolis Dentistry we care so much about preventative care that we have shaped our 5-year warranty program around keeping regular cleaning appointments. As long as you continue to keep your oral hygiene visits every 6-months you can be eligible for free replacement or repair of Dr. Reese’s dental work within the previous 5-years. And if you’ve already had dental treatment, existing patients can be grandfathered into this program.

Call now for an appointment – 317-882-0228. Our clinic is located just north of Greenwood, IN.