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Indianapolis Dentistry: 317-882-0228
7218 US 31 S Indianapolis, IN 46227
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Orthodontic Bridges

Orthodontic, bonded bridges replace the missing teeth and create a naturally beautiful smile for those with missing teeth.

Congenitally missing teeth, and short ‘front’ teeth need to be addressed. Bonded bridges replace the missing teeth and create a naturally beautiful smile.

Orthodontic Bridges in Indianapolis - before and after

A bonded bridge will keep teeth from drifting into spaces created from a missing tooth and helps preserve normal functionality and bite for the jaw (TMJ) joint. It is usually anchored to the teeth on either sides of the space, which gives the bridge strong support. Brushing a bridge is no different than brushing natural teeth, but special flossing is required to keep the bridge and surrounding tissue healthy.

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Dr. Ted Reese, DDS, MAGD

"If you have missing teeth, bridges are a good option, but you might want to consider dental implants, which don’t require special flossing. And because dental implants are placed directly into the jaw like the original tooth, they don’t require bonding to adjacent teeth like bridges."
—Dr. Quint

Dr. Quint can help you decide which option is best for you.

If you have lost your tooth and it’s an emergency, we have emergency dental services available, but if you would like to schedule an initial exam, please call our office to schedule an appointment or learn more.